100 Days of Code - Day 1

100 Days of Code - Day 1

Coding newbie overcoming JavaScript with One Month


4 min read

I have finally committed to 100 Days of Code even though my coding journey started a few months ago. I'm really happy there is a platform like this where I can share my journey with like-minded people.

I Almost Gave Up

Learning HTML & CSS was smooth sailing I had no trouble at all. I moved on to JavaScript confidently thinking I'm going to learn in no time!

Well, I was absolutely wrong, my confidence and ego went out the window. Javascript was a problem for me, I wanted to quit. I was following courses trying to understand JS, nothing was making sense.

I stopped learning JavaScript for a few weeks and I was tempted to learn Python because I heard it was easier. I did some self-reflecting and I realised I was choosing the easy route out, I don't want to start a habit of quitting when things get tough.

I decided to not continue with the web development course that was teaching me JavaScript and I found two courses that were appropriate for me.

I joined One Month's JavaScript course (onemonth.com) which is explained perfectly for beginner's to understand.

The One Month course focuses on project-based learning each week the course helps you complete a project. This really enhanced my understanding of JavaScript and I wish I found this course from the very start of my journey.

Day 1 of 100 Days of Code

Today I was working on a Giphy Search Engine which is one of my projects in the One Month course.

It was the first project I have completed where I needed to use API, the whole thing was fascinating to me, how we can request data from a site and use the data to create cool projects.

I spent over an hour working on my project and because I have one more week left of my JavaScript course I was searching for the next course that includes a lot of projects. Right now I'm looking at WES BOS JavaScript 30 course (javascript30.com). If you have tried it let me know what you think.

For Day 2 I plan to stream my progress on Twitch, I think I will choose something from Frontend Mentor which has been a great resource for me.

If you are a beginner like me I went to remind you not to give up and push through, it will be worth it in the end ๐Ÿ˜„
